Mentorships are a way for you to dive deep into what is most important to you with guidance and support. It is an opportunity to use our combined knowledge, insight, wisdom and curiosity to laser refine your offerings, and uplevel your life in signi…

Mentorships are a way for you to dive deep into what is most important to you with guidance and support. It is an opportunity to use our combined knowledge, insight, wisdom and curiosity to laser refine your offerings, and uplevel your life in significant ways. Mentorships are always directed by you, and use my wisdom to catalyze, inspire and reclaim your greatest gifts. Below are listed a few of the current mentorships for inspiration, but we will always co-create your experience together based on your inherent genius, interest and inspiration.

Soul Mysteries

The foundations of energy work, tailored to your specifications. Learn to read energy, strengthen your intuition, connect with guides, angels and ancestors. Use past life explorations, soul retrieval and multi dimensional journeys to create the healing and clarity your Soul longs for.


Learn to mine for the jewels of your Soul in life’s most challenging circumstances. Reclaim “traumatic” experiences and empower yourself to see the beauty life is always offering you through your personal Initiations.


Falling in love with your own mystery

Our minds are constantly pulling us toward binary thinking, seducing us into believing we are separate and that things are black and white. But the true invitation of the Universe is toward reunification, wholeness and health. By examining our own nature through the lens of Masculine and Feminine principles, we begin to fall in love with ourselves, and our Soul is revealed. This mentorship thread is about falling in love with your own mystery.

THe crack where the light gets in

Truth. Your truth, pure and simple, and sometimes constantly changing, is the crack that lets the light get in. Settle more deeply into your own truth, even as it evolves and changes. Rest into the wisdom of the truth of your own experience. Learn to be your own teacher, guide and mentor. You are the gift you have been waiting for. And experience how, when you let this light in, higher Truths, truths with a capital “T” begin to reveal themselves.